When Life Gives You Lemons
This iPad game was the final group project in my Software Development course. My team of five students (with no experience in iOS development prior to the class) was instructed to create an educational social science iPad game with 5th graders as our target audience. We created this lemonade stand app as a fun way to introduce the concepts of economics and business management. (Side note: for some reason GitHub does not show my contributions in the graphs. If you want to see a summary of my contributions, refer to my work log.)
This GitHub Website
I know this site is fairly simple as far as websites go, but I am still rather proud of it because I created it myself. I don't have any background in web design, and I'm entirely self-taught in this area. I created this site using Google's Material Design Lite.
This is an iOS app I designed with a partner. It is a Sudoku app with an optional kitten theme and musical sound effects. Our assignment was to build a Sudoku app and add features as we saw fit. We made a kitten theme that gives each number a different kitten image. We also made sure to pay close attention to the copyright rules for the music and images, making sure to follow the creative commons instructions so we didn't violate any rules there.
Matt Bomer 2048
This is a game I made over the course of a few evenings in 2014, slightly after the height of the 2048 craze. I had been learning about HTML and Javascript and wanted a chance to practice and learn while creating something I could play and share with others. I was still very new to Git, so it was also a learning experience trying to navigate GitHub.